Rintihan Seorang Lelaki Yang Bernama S.U.A.M.I Tangan diangkat dan dirapatkan :::::: ” Ya Tuhan, engkau berikanlah kepada diriku kekuatan untuk memimpin isteri dan anak-anakku, untuk sampai ke syurgaMu. Ya Tuhan, jangan Engkau biarkan aku terus menzalimi diriku dan keluarga. Kau jadikanlah aku seorang suami dan ayah yang baik pada isteri dan anakku. Kau jadikanlah juga isteriku sebagai seorang isteri yg solehah..yang mampu menjadi penyejuk hatiku, yang akan mendamaikan jiwaku. Kau berikanlah dia kekuatan untuk terus dan menerus menjaga anak-anakku. untuk mendidik mereka menjadi anak yg soleh. Kau berikanlah dia ketabahan dan kecekalan dalam mengharungi perjalanan rumahtangga bersamaku. “


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Flower paste / gum paste recipe

Flower paste / gum paste recipe
July 06, 2008 By: Min Category: Gum paste projects, Recipes 15 Comments →

This is another version of a gumpaste recipe. It uses gum tragacanth. You can also try making gumpaste using gum tex from Wilton. I’ve tried the recipe below and it works. So, as long as I can get hold of gum trag I will be using this recipe for all my flowers.


500 g icing sugar

1 tablespoon gum tragacanth

1 1/2 tablespoon cold water

2 teaspoon powdered gelatine

2 teaspoon liquid glucose

1 tablespoon shortening

1 egg white

Method :

Mix the icing sugar with the gum trag, and sieve. Put in a heavy duty mixer bowl.

Sprinkle the gelatine over the water, and wait until it becomes spongy. Then double boil until it turns into liquid again. Add the glucose, stir until it turns liquid too, then add in the shortening . Continue stirring until all are melted.

Remove from heat. Pour into the icing sugar, and mix in the egg white. Beat until the paste becomes white and elastic. Remove the gumpaste, put in an airtight container and let it rest for at least 12 hours before using.

If you notice, the method is very similar to making fondant. If you can make fondant on your own, I think you will have no trouble in making gumpaste. Its definitely cheaper than buying the mix or ready to roll type. You can make a large batch, divide into small pieces and keep it frozen. So, if making flowers is your passion, or you do a lot of figurines, fabric effect.. I think it’s worth trying this recipe.


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