Rintihan Seorang Lelaki Yang Bernama S.U.A.M.I Tangan diangkat dan dirapatkan :::::: ” Ya Tuhan, engkau berikanlah kepada diriku kekuatan untuk memimpin isteri dan anak-anakku, untuk sampai ke syurgaMu. Ya Tuhan, jangan Engkau biarkan aku terus menzalimi diriku dan keluarga. Kau jadikanlah aku seorang suami dan ayah yang baik pada isteri dan anakku. Kau jadikanlah juga isteriku sebagai seorang isteri yg solehah..yang mampu menjadi penyejuk hatiku, yang akan mendamaikan jiwaku. Kau berikanlah dia kekuatan untuk terus dan menerus menjaga anak-anakku. untuk mendidik mereka menjadi anak yg soleh. Kau berikanlah dia ketabahan dan kecekalan dalam mengharungi perjalanan rumahtangga bersamaku. “


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Secrets to Baking the Perfect Baked Potato

Secrets to Baking the Perfect Baked Potato

Secrets to Baking the Perfect Baked Potato got this article while browsing the internet
The perfect baked potato has crisp golden skin on the outside and is pure white and fluffy on the inside.

Choosing Potatoes:
Any potato can be baked, but for the perfect baked potato with the desired flaky texture, it is recommended that mature, baking-type potatoes such as the Russet potatoes be used.
Make sure that the skin has a nice even brown tone without a greenish cast. Inspect the potatoes thoroughly to make sure that there aren't any significant bruises, discolored spots, or sprouts.
When baking a large amount of potatoes at one time, choose potatoes with uniform shapes and sizes; they'll cook more evenly and get done at the same time.

Prepare Potatoes for Baking:
Adjust the rack in your oven to the middle position and preheat oven to desired temperature (see chart below).
Rinse and scrub (I use a stiff-bristled brush) each potato under cold running water, as you will be eating the skins of these perfect potatoes. Dry each potato thoroughly.
Look the cleaned potatoes over and remove any bruises or discolored spots with the tip of your knife.Pierce each deeply with a fork or sharp knife four times on each side at approximately 1" intervals. This will allow steam to escape during the baking. If you don't pick the potatoes, they may explode during baking in your oven. You don't want this to happen as it makes a terrible mess in your oven!NOTE: Wrapping the potato in aluminum foil will produce a soft skin (not crispy), but technically this is steaming rather than baking (as the moisture in the potato remains trapped) and the light, flaky texture will be missing. The texture of a steamed potato is entirely different from that of a perfect baked potato. Save yourself the trouble and expense of wrapping in aluminum foil and serve perfect baked potatoes. My suggestion is to never use aluminum foil when baking potatoes!
For a soft skin, rub the potato with > olive oil, vegetable oil, or butter over the skins. NOTE: I like to roll the potatoes in coarse or kosher salt after rolling in the oil and before baking. Place coarse salt onto a small plate. Roll potatoes lightly in the salt. The skin is so yummy to eat!

Baking Potatoes:
Conventional or Regular Oven:Medium-size potatoes (about 5 ounces or 150 grams each)45 minutes at 400 degrees F. 60 minutes at 350 degrees F. 90 minutes at 325 degrees F.
Potatoes are done if tender when pierced with a fork and the internal temperature reaches 210 degrees F. Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness.
You can also test for doneness by gently squeezing the middle of the potato (using a pot holder). If it gives in easily to your touch, it is done.
You can also use a meat thermometer to test for doneness. Potatoes are done if tender when pierced with a fork and the internal temperature reaches 210 degrees F.

Convection Oven:Medium-size potatoes (about 5 ounces or 150 grams each)45 minutes at 375 degrees F.60 minutes at 325 degrees F.90 minutes at 300 degrees F.
Convection ovens cook up to 20% faster than regular ovens. Also, the food in a convection oven is cooked at a lower temperature than in a regular oven to achieve the same results. The general rule is to decrease your oven temperature at least 25 degrees lower than a regular oven.
You can also use a meat thermometer to test for doneness. Potatoes are done if tender when pierced with a fork and the internal temperature reaches 210 degrees F.
Bake on racks of oven until tender.
The higher the oven temperature, the shorter the cooking time will be and the crustier the skin. Larger potatoes will take longer to bake. Bake potatoes along with whatever else you are baking and gauge the cooking time according to oven temperature.
Turn the potatoes over halfway through the baking time to prevent browning of the undersides where they touch the oven rack.
Potatoes are done if tender when pierced with a fork and the internal temperature reaches 210 degrees F. Use a meat thermometer to test for doneness. You can also test for doneness by gently squeezing the middle of the potato (using a pot holder). If it gives in easily to your touch, it is done.
When baked to perfection, remove potatoes from the oven. Slit across the top with a sharp knife. Gently pinch (squeeze) in each end of the potato towards the middle (using your thumb and index finger). The potato will pop oven loosen the fluffy white interior from the skin.

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