Rintihan Seorang Lelaki Yang Bernama S.U.A.M.I Tangan diangkat dan dirapatkan :::::: ” Ya Tuhan, engkau berikanlah kepada diriku kekuatan untuk memimpin isteri dan anak-anakku, untuk sampai ke syurgaMu. Ya Tuhan, jangan Engkau biarkan aku terus menzalimi diriku dan keluarga. Kau jadikanlah aku seorang suami dan ayah yang baik pada isteri dan anakku. Kau jadikanlah juga isteriku sebagai seorang isteri yg solehah..yang mampu menjadi penyejuk hatiku, yang akan mendamaikan jiwaku. Kau berikanlah dia kekuatan untuk terus dan menerus menjaga anak-anakku. untuk mendidik mereka menjadi anak yg soleh. Kau berikanlah dia ketabahan dan kecekalan dalam mengharungi perjalanan rumahtangga bersamaku. “


Thursday, August 19, 2010

ORANGE BREAD... jom cuba...

Orange Bread (Recipe finetuned on 17 Mar, refer to here)

Dry Ingredients

250g bread flour

8g milk powder (1 tbl)

30g sugar

4g salt (1 tsp)

3g yeast (1 & 1/4 tsp)

Wet Ingredients

25g egg (half an egg)

25g magarine

110g freshly squeezed orange juice, unsieved (about 2 mid-size oranges)

1 tbl orange zest (about 1 orange)


1. Place the dry ingredients into a big bowl and mix well.

2. Add in the wet ingredients to form a dough.

3. Knead dough until dough is elastic and smooth.

*4. Place it in a large greased bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth or cling-wrap and leave it to proof in a warm place till double in size (about 1-1.5 hrs).

5. When proofing is completed, punch down the bread dough to release the air.

6. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions (about 47g per portion).

7. Shape each portion into a smooth ball and place them into a loaf pan.

8. Cover the loaf pan with a cling wrap and allow the dough to go for second proofing until double in size again (about 1 hr).

9. Brush the top with a little magarine and sprinkle some sugar on top.

10. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 15-20 minutes. If the top has browned, you can cover the top with an aluminium foil to continue baking.

11. Remove bread from loaf pan to cool completely.


* I'm not too sure if it's the cool weather today, but my first proofing took 2 hours to be done. The second proofing wasn't much better. I ended up proofing the bread in my oven to speed up the process

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salam....Mana Gambarnya Cik Kak? Tgk Resepi Dah Tahu Sedap!